Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to participants in the celebrations and a conference marking 75 years since the test of the first domestically produced nuclear device

The message reads, in part:
“Your conference marks the 75th
anniversary of testing the first domestically produced nuclear device. This was
a major milestone that made history as one of the brilliant achievements by our
research community and a testament to its unique creativity.
The Soviet Union accomplished this
historic breakthrough after the Great Patriotic War, while having to restore
its economy and rebuild the cities and villages that had been ruined. Faced
with these challenges and hardships, the country paid special attention to nuclear research, mastering advanced, cutting-edge disciplines and developing
technology. Today, we pay tribute to the outstanding pioneering researchers and all those who contributed to the USSR’s Atomic Project, their dedicated work,
commitment and talent. Their achievements propelled our country into the ranks
of the leading nations in the nuclear energy sector and created global nuclear
parity. They also made an immense contribution to strengthening our defence
capabilities, security and sovereignty, laying the groundwork for the emergence
of new research disciplines, manufacturing sectors, healthcare and space
technology, and developing remote Arctic territories.
It is gratifying that today’s generation working in the nuclear sector treasures the great traditions and the intellectual legacy
of their predecessors and works tirelessly to build on their achievements by proactively contributing to achieving major national objectives.”
